Here you will find assembly guides for the previous versions of current products and products that are no longer made. If you do not find what you are looking for here please contact us.
Click to go to Spinning Wheel Maintenance
Information for keeping your spinning wheels in tip top shape.
Determine the age of your wheel
**Traditional Spinning Wheel timeline - Use this to date your Traditional wheel.
Past product assembly guides - Spinning
- Electronic spinner 1984-1992
- Professional electronic spinner 1992 -2009
- Kiwi spinning wheel 1997-2012
- Kiwi 2 spinning wheel 2012-2018
- Traveller single and double drive 2012-2022
- Traveller spinning wheel double treadle single drive 1996-2012
- Traveller spinning wheel double treadle double drive 1996-2012
- Traveller spinning wheel mk2 single treadle 1980-1996
- Traveller spinning wheel single and double drive
- Traditional spinning wheel 1965 - circa 1970
- Traditional spinning wheel 1970 and Learn to spin
- Traditional spinning wheel (circa 1970)
- Traditional spinning wheel single drive
- Traditional spinning wheel double drive
- Traditional spinning wheel single and double drive
- Table top spinner (charka) 1998-2002
- Country spinner (double treadle) 1999-2012
- Elizabeth spinning wheel 1982
- Elizabeth spinning wheel 1982-2004
- Joy spinning wheel single treadle 1995-2012
- Joy spinning wheel flyer shaft replacement
- Kiwi skeiner holder and base
Past products assembly guides - Weaving
- Knitters loom stand 30cm and 50cm 2007-2020
- Knitters loom stand 70cm 2007-2020
- Rigid heddle loom stand 1999-2020
- SampleIt loom stand 2016-2020
- 40, 60 and 80cm Rigid heddle loom 1986-2012
- 40, 60, 80 and 120cm Rigid heddle loom 2012-2018
- 40, 60 and 80cm Table loom 1997-2012