Sea Shells Blanket – Ashford Triple Knit pattern

Tracy Henwood of Knit Spin Weave, Ashford dealer in Clare, South Australia knitted this beautiful, quick to knit, multi purpose blanket in our new Ashford Triple Knit yarn. We think it’s fabulous! It would make a great weekend project, a cosy addition to any room in the home.

Happy knitting!


Ashford Triple Knit
2 balls each of Colour A (801 Fuchsia), Colour B (806 Mist), 1 ball of Colour C (813 Snow)

Needles: 5.5mm 100cm circular needles

Notions: Tapestry needle, scissors

Finished Size: 85cm x 100cm

Gauge: 17 sts x 22 rows = 10cm (4″) Using stocking stitch

st – stitch, k – knit, p – purl, k2tog – knit two stitches together, kfb – knit front and back, sl – slip, psso – pass slip stitch over

With Colour A

Cast on 150 sts
Rows 1 – 11 knit
Row 12 and 14 – k5, purl to last 5 sts, k5 (wrong side)
Row 13 and 15 – k5, kfb, k4, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k4 (kfb twice, k4, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k4) rep to last 6 sts, kfb, k5
Repeating Rows 12 – 15 forms the pattern
Change colour after each two repeats in this order A, B, C, B.
Continue until work measures 96cm working last repeat in A from cast on.
Last 11 rows
Row 1 – k5, purl to last 5 sts, k5
Rows 2 – 11 knit
Cast off loosely, sew in ends. Wash and block to finish.

Some suggested colour combo’s: