Alpaca Merino Super Soft Sock Pattern

One of my all time favourite fibres to spin is our Alpaca Merino blend. Honestly you just need to take it to the wheel and it will practically spin itself. It is a blend of 30% 21 micron baby alpaca (the grade is called baby alapca because of the fineness not because it is from baby alpacas) and 70% pure New Zealand 22 micron merino. It is super soft and super warm when spun and knitted (or woven) up! Here is a fantastic pattern from Melanie Smith, of Boise, Idaho, USA that only needs about 100gm (3.5oz) of fibre. A beautiful pair of socks featuring a gorgeous textured pattern that will be sure to keep your feet cosy while looking great! 

Happy spinning and knitting!


From Melanie:

“The fibre Ashford Alpaca Merino blend is so soft; I knew right away it was going to make a wonderful yarn for socks. Alpaca is a warm and soft fibre; as a matter of fact it’s six times warmer than wool. But it doesn’t have fibre memory so it doesn’t tend to hold is shape.  By adding Merino wool to the blend, it will make a strong yet soft yarn that holds its shape and will wear well for socks. I find that the 30/70 blend with Merino wool makes the perfect blend for soft warm socks in the cold winters of Idaho, USA where I live.

For a nice sock weight yarn, I try to use a fingering weight 3 ply yarn, or 16-18 wpi for the finished yarn and 35-40 wpi for the singles. 3 ply yarn is stronger and will wear better than a 2 ply which is something to consider when spinning for socks. One of my tricks in making a great 3 ply yarn is to mimic a commercial yarn. I cut about 12 inches (30cm) from a ball of yarn and take the 3 plies apart. I place one of the plies on my leg near the path of my spinning so as I am spinning I can gauge the thickness. When I ply my singles together, I make sure I have a smooth, even ply, just like the commercial yarn. My goal is a nice firm yet soft yarn so that my socks will wear for years to come.

I love knitting socks with texture and interest in them so when I came across this stitch pattern, I knew it was meant for socks.”

The Pattern

For a pair of socks

You will need: Size 2 double point needles 

Gauge: 28 stitches = 10cm (4ins)
Knitting Abbreviations: knit, K2tog knit 2 stitches together, purl, P2tog purl 2 stitches together, Psso pass the slipped stitch over, Sk2P slip one stitch purl wise, knit next two stitches together, pass slip stitch over Sl slip a stitch, Ssk slip next two stitches on to right needle knitwise. Place left needle into both stitches and knit together, St(s) stitch(es), Yo yarn over

Here’s how:
Cast on loosely 56 stitches, divide evenly over 4 needles (14 on each) being careful not to twist. Join.
Round 1-6: Knit in each stitch around.
Round 7: (P1, K11, P2,) repeat on all four needles.
Round 8: (P1, K2tog, Yo, K7, Yo, Sl1, K1, Psso, P2) repeat on each needle.
Round 9:  repeat round 7.
Round 10:  (P1, K2tog, K1, Yo, K5, Yo, K1, Sl , K1, Psso, P2) repeat on each needle.
Round 11: repeat round 7.
Round 12:  (P1, K2tog, K2, Yo, K3, Yo, K2, Sl1, K1, Psso, P2) repeat on each needle. 
Round 13: repeat round 7.
Round 14: (Pl, K2tog, K3, Yo, K1, Yo, K3, Sl1, K1, Psso, P2) repeat on each needle.
Round 15:   (K5, P3, K6) repeat on each needle.
Round 16: (K3, Yo, Sl1, K1, Psso, P3, K2tog, Yo, K4) repeat on each needle.
Round 17:  Repeat round 15.
Round 18:  (K2, Yo, K1, Sl1, K1, Psso, P3, K2tog, K1, Yo, K3) repeat on each needle.
Round 19: repeat round 15.
Round 20: (K1, Yo, K2, Sl1, K1, Psso, P3, K2tog, K2, Yo, K2) repeat on each needle.
Round 21: repeat round 15. 
Round 22: (Yo, K3, Sl1, K1, Psso, P3, K2tog, K3, Yo, K1) repeat on each needle.
Rounds 7 -22 establish lace pattern. Repeat rounds 7- 22 two more times.
Heel flap 
Row 1: Knit across needles 1 and 2 (28 sts) turn.  Leave the remaining 28 stitches unworked for now.
Row 2: Slip 1 and purl to end of the 28 sts. 
Row 3: Slip 1, Knit in each stitch across
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until flap measures 6.35cm (2 ½ins), ending with row 2.
Turning the heel
Row 1: K15 sts, K2tog, K1, turn.
Row 2: Sl1, P3, P2tog, P1, turn.
Row 3: Sl1 K4, K2tog, K1, turn.
Row 4: Sl1 P5, P2tog, P1, turn.
Row 5: Sl1, K6, K2tog, K1, turn.
Repeat rows 4 and 5 working one more stitch on each row as established until all sts have been worked and 14 sts remain. 
Round 1: Using needle 1 knit across 15 sts and pick and knit 13 -15. On needles 2 and 3 work in pattern as established. Using needle 4 pickup and knit the same number of stitches that were picked up on needle 1. Knit 7 sts off needle 1. 
Round 2: Knit to last 3 sts on needle one, K2tog, K1, work in pattern across needles 2 and 3, on needle 4 K1, SSK, knit to end of needle and round.
Round 3: Knit across needle one, work in pattern across needles 2 and 3, Knit across needle 4. 
Repeat Round 2 and 3 until 14 sts remain on all 4 needles.
Round 1: On needle 1 K in each st. Needles 2 and 3 work in pattern. Needle 4 K in each st around.
Repeat Round 1 until foot measures desired length minus 5cm (2ins) ending with round 14 or 22 of established pattern.
Knit one round.
Round 1: (K6, K2tog) repeat around.
Round 2-7: K in each stitch around.
Round 8: (K5, K2tog) repeat around.
Round 9-13: K in each stitch around.
Round 14: (K4, K2tog) repeat around.
Round 15-18: K in each stitch around.
Round 19: (K3, K2tog) repeat around.
Round 20-22: K in each stitch around.
Round 23: (K2, K2tog) repeat around.
Round 24-25: K in each stitch around.
Round 26: (K1, K2tog) repeat around.
Round 27: K in each stitch around.
Round 28: K2tog around.
Break yarn and weave in remaining stitches and close and secure. Weave in all ends. 
Repeat for other sock.

★★★ Spins so smooth and quickly ★★★