Bronson Check on a Rigid Heddle Loom

Weaving on a rigid heddle loom can be as simple or intricate as you want. With one heddle and pick up sticks you can create really smart patterns in your plain weave. Here is a simple but smart table runner in cotton with weft and warp floats that would look great on any table. Why don’t you try festive colours – for your table this holiday season!

I hope you enjoy this project by Elsa Krogh of Mariager, Denmark – my weaving mentor and guru of all things weaving, author of several weaving books including The Ashford Book of Weaving Patterns from Four to Eight Shafts.

Happy weaving, 


You will need:
Loom: 30cm (12ins) or wider
Reed: 50/10cm (12.5dpi)
Warp yarn: Ashford 5/2 cotton
Warp yarn qty and colour: 5/2 cotton brown 30gm (1oz), 5/2 cotton white 30gm (1oz)
Weft yarn qty and colour: 5/2 cotton brown 30gm (1oz),5/2 cotton white 30gm (1oz)
Other: Two pick up sticks

Here’s how:
Total warp ends: 135 (doubled)
Total warp length: 183cm (72ins)
Finished length: 147cm (58ins)
Width in reed: 27cm (11ins)
Finished width: 24.5cm (9¾ins)
Washed length: 141cm (56ins)
Washed width: 23.5cm (9¼ins)

Start 34 slots left of centre. Warp ends doubled (one loop through every slot and every eye) in the following sequence: 3 white + (3 brown + 1 white + 1 brown + 1 white + 3 brown + 11 white) x 6 + 3 brown + 1 white + 1 brown + 1 white + 3 brown + 3 white.

Weaving the pattern:
Place pick up sticks as follows:
A: Top pick up stick (warp floats)
1. Reed in down position.
2. Behind reed, pick up two white (double) ends in middle of brown stripe.
3. Push pick up stick A to back.

B: Bottom pick up stick (weft floats)
1. Reed in down position.
2. Behind reed and in the shed, pick down the two middle (double) ends of each white stripe.
3. Push pick up stick B to back.
Note – The two pattern sticks will slide over/under each other.

With 8/2 cotton doubled, weave complete length of warp in the following sequence:
1. Beginning with reed in down position, weave three white.
2. With reed up, slide pick up stick A to reed, leaving it lying flat, weave one white. Push A to back .
3. Reed down, weave one white.
4. Repeat 2.
5. Repeat 1.
6. Beginning with reed up, weave three brown.
7. With reed down, slide pick up stick B to reed and stand on edge to create a shed, weave one white. Push B to back.
8. Reed up, weave one brown.
9. Repeat 7.
10. Repeat 6.
Repeat from 1-10.

The blue weft yarn is not carried up the selvedge but left loose as a decorative edge.
Blue and white look very smart too.

This project and many more can be found in The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving.